Flu Vaccine


Flu Vaccine

Defend yourself from flu

As the nights draw in and autumn approaches it’s time to think about giving yourself protection from flu with your annual vaccination. Did you know that you are able to have your flu jab at Sherburn Village Pharmacy free of charge if you are eligible for a free NHS vaccination?

Having flu can be an unpleasant experience and, while for many it can be alleviated in a couple of weeks with over-the-counter products, for those with certain underlying health conditions the effects can be more severe. That’s why the NHS offers free jabs on an annual basis to:

– Adults 50 and over (including those who’ll be 50 by 31 March the following year).
– People with certain medical conditions.
– Pregnant women.
– Patients who are in long-stay residential care.
– Those receiving a carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick.
– Those living with someone who is more likely to get infections, such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
– Frontline health or social care workers.


To give yourself a better chance of avoiding flu you need to get the flu jab every year, in September or October before the flu virus starts to spread. It takes less than 15 minutes for our pharmacist to deliver your jab in our consultation room. If you are unsure if you are eligible for a free flu vaccination please contact our team who will be able to advise.

If you aren’t eligible for a free NHS jab we can still deliver a vaccine for a small fee, and many organisations now offer their staff a voucher to cover the costs of their flu jab. So why not take advantage of the convenience of your local pharmacy to help to protect yourself and those around you with a flu jab? For more information, or to book your flu jab, please pop in to talk to the team or call us today.


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